I used to have bedding scattered all throughout his cage but when he wanted to lay down he cleared a spot and laid on the plastic. The same thing happened when I put a little wooden home inside his cage; he cleared the bedding out of it. I just decided to vacuum all of the bedding out of his cage and only put it in the litter box.
Now he walks, eats, and sleeps on bare plastic. I feel kind of bad that he's walking on something so hard but he seems to like it.
My question is whether there are any negative effects of him not having bedding throughout his cage since it's what he seems to prefer.
note: Instead of walking on carpet he prefers wooden shelves and bare floors.Does my rabbit need bedding in his cage?
Bunnies only need Litter in their potty. Try putting some old towels or blanket cut to fit in the pen. Many bunnies enjoy bunching and playing with a blanket. Some will even sleep under it. Watch your bunny to make sure he/she doesn't eat the material you put in the pen. Some bunnies will tear up the blankets but not eat them. You may even try a mat made of grass for bunny to lay on.
There isn't any negative affect on your bunny not wanting to lay on litter. The only problem I can see with plastic is it may be a bit slippery for the Bunny's fur covered feet.
As far as peeing on your bed.... Some bunnies just do it. Even bunnies that never pee anywhere else but their potty can find your bed irresistible :( Have you tried putting a second potty on your bed when bunny is on it? It helped one of my bunnies out. You didn't mention the bunnies age, sex or if it has been neutered or spayed. Sometimes that effects the urinating on your bed stuff.
Try the bunny chat at http://www.rabbit.org/cgi-bin/chat/chat.鈥?/a> They have a good group of bunny owners that can answer about any bunny question.Does my rabbit need bedding in his cage?
you might want to put in towels, or blankets so that there is something soft to sleep on and no you dont need to put litter everywhere. also if your rabbit fixed? if not that could be why he is peeing on the bed... good luck
My rabbits are OK with anything. Maybe your rabbut feels that it is very hot with the bedding. Well, you never knows.
nothing wrong with it. He obviously didn't like to lay on the bedding anyway. bedding is mainly for cleanliness. To soak up urine and water. If he likes the bare plastic then that's fine, if you feel bad you could give him a cut up cotton towel. Don't do newspapers he will chew it and some of the inks and dyes are not healthy for them. He has thick hair on the bottoms of his feet so walking on that wont hurt him at all, be sure to give him some time out of the cage and let him walk on other surfaces or the grass if you have a little pen outside for him.,
Well first of all, your bunny is weird! lol, but that's fine! If he's happy, then I suppose he knows what's best. Then again, I'm sure he would prefer to have a choice, so you might consider adding a pile of hay to the corner of his cage. That way he'll have some where to hang out if the plastic bugs him, and more importantly he'll have good roughage in his diet! Every rabbit should be provided with as much hay as they'll eat because of the high fiber content, and simply, it's dried grass, and really what a rabbit should be eating all the time in the wild!! Glad you're paying attention to your bunnies needs and preferences so well! Good luck! -Julia
I'd say offer it to him but if he doesn't want it, that's his choice.
My kids each have their own beds but they prefer to make pallets and camp on the floor...go figure!
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