hope this helped and hope you get one, i;m getting an other one on Friday/Saterday!What can i do to persuade my mum 2 buy me a rabbit 4 xmas?
You dont want one they stink.What can i do to persuade my mum 2 buy me a rabbit 4 xmas?
You need to prove to her that you are serious about this. Read up on rabbits and let her know you are trying to gather as much info as possible on how to look after them, what they eat etc. Also, if you are old enough, do a rota sheet, showing when you will feed it, clear its cage out, play with it etc. This will maybe show her that you are serious about this and really want it. Good luck!
well avoid the ';I'll Take care of it and I'll walk it and pick up its droppiongs and (Ect'; So If Gradualy or a real sitdown and talk.. then think of atleast 5 to 10 good reasons why u want it... and if everything fails.. I sugest you try and get the ';Zen Vision M'; Your way!
get everythign you would need for it so she feels bad incase you wasted ur money, shes bound to get you one
Keep randomly placing carrot everywhere over the house, when she asks you why then simply reply with...
'We would not have this problem if we had a rabbit'
Buy a leash and walk around with it. With no animal on it just the leash. She will think your crazy and deff get u the rabbit.
Just be a good girl and she will do it like a surprise:)
Tell her you'll look after it and that you'll love her for ever and ever if she gets you one.
guilting your mom into it is not a good idea, just talk to her and show her that you're responsible enough to take care of a rabbit. show her that you will not just want a different animal in 2 months. if you are old enough, go out and get a job so you can buy everything you will need to take care of your rabbit...like food. do research on rabbits and know everything you will need to know in order to take care of it, and let your mom know that you have done that. once you have proved yourself responsible, there will be a more likely chance that you will be able to get one for christmas.
You don't....ask for a dog or a cat.
Seriously, a rabbit?
i have rabbits, they're soooooooo cute !!
i've wanted one for ages but i only managed to get one because my neighbours rabbit had babies.
i would write a list of stuff for xmas and put for number one rabbit in big capital letters, say you'll do all the cleaning and feeding them and i'm sure she'll be persuaded !
Get yourself a cage and all the supplies needed to care for the animal. That way she knows your serious about taking on the task of caring for a pet of your choosing. Then write a letter to Santa and stick it in her purse before Xmas. Make it cute.
explain to her that you promise to take care of the animal and that if you dont she can give it away because you are responsible enough! and that you promise to clean up after it and stuff
put up a xmas list on the fridge and only put rabbit on it see what she thinks when she see's it (thats what i do)
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