You should probably get your rabbit spayed or neutered if not already done. For the most part you shouldn't have too many issues. There are articles on socializing cats with rabbits on the American House Rabbit Society web-page (just google it). Rabbits are very social creatures and tend to like interacting with other animals. I have no problem with my rabbit and my 2 cats, but your kitten may be rather rambuctious and scratch the bunny, so be careful!
- a veterinarianWill my new kitten get along with my full grown rabbit?
that kitten will love chasing that rabbit. But shouldnt hurt it. Get your video camera its going to be funny!
Maybe if the rabbit is use to being around cats. If not it might not.
Typically, cats and rabbits do well together. I think if you introduce them slowly and while supervised, you should be okay. In some cases, they may not be great friends, but as long as they don't fight, you're doing well.
My concern here is why do you have a 6-week old kitten? Kittens should stay with their mothers until they're at least 8 weeks old.
Well I was in kind of an opposite situation. We got a full grown rabbit but already had a full grown cat in the house. My cat was afraid of the rabbit and wouldnt come back into the house after we got the rabbit. You can train the kitten young that the rabbit is not prey. However you do always risk the chance that as the cat grows those instincts will take over. All you can do is train it and watch it. Do not leave them unattended together even if it seems that they are the best of buds.
Instead of a baby gate does your son have a door you can close when you are not able to supervise them?
Good luck!
i think the question is, ';will your full-grown rabbit get along with your 6-week-old kitten';
The kitten should but the rabbit might be a little shy at first. The kitten will look up to the rabbit as an adult figure.
I read a book - and it said to do this for cats, but in this case, it'll work too.
Instead of one gate, use 3 to block the doorway completely. Let them meet and play a little through there!\
Well, just to tell you that little cat might get a little cranky and kill your rabbit.
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