My rabbit loves vegetables more than rabbit food is it okIs it normal for a rabbit to eat vegetables??
Yea duh didn't you ever see Bugs Bunny?Is it normal for a rabbit to eat vegetables??
Holw old is your rabbit?
Bunnies under a year can eat unlimited alfalfa pellets .Rabbits over a year old should be eatting very limited timothy based pellets - about 1/4 cup per 5 pounds of bunny.
Bunnies over 12 weeks can start to eat veggies. Your adult bunny should be eating lots of timothy hay and about 2 cups of green veggies every day. Good veggie choices include: flat leaf parsley, dill, cilantro, red lettuce
List of good veggies:
It is also very important to get your rabbit spayed or neutered, as female rabbits have a VERY high rate of uterine cancer in unspayed females.
of course, its good for them to munch on. always give them natural foods.
you don't feed it other rabbits?
duh......................... thats what my bunny does!!!!
In the wild a rabbit's natural diet would be vegetables.
Be careful about giving him lettuce, though. It could upset his tummy.
rabbits eat veggies in the wild so it shouldn't be a problem with domesticated ones, i'm sure rabbit food doesn't taste too great (ask my 3 year old, he thought he'd give it a taste when i let him feed the bunny). my dwarf bunny liked pizza too....i wouldn't suggest giving it to yours.....
Yes that is ok. It sounds like you need some rabbit education. Please read these websites and I recommend the book The House Rabbit Handbook.
He must have taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque
Of course, that's what rabbits eat.
Yup, it's normal, but you should try to get him/her to eat either timothy hay or alfalfa hay as well. This helps them with their digestive system, especially with all this super warm weather lately.
of course it is normal. that is what rabbits eat in the wild.
yep its normal. but for some reason my dwarf rabbit doesnt like veggies.
Rabbits enjoy most greens and they're good for them so you shouldn't worry.
Most rabbit magazines will suggest that you supplement your base diet (pellet food, complete food mix you buy from the pet store etc) with greens or vegetables.
This summer I even planted a bit of a rabbit garden for my senior bun. You can try some kale, collards, arugula, mustard greens, dandelion greens, chard, endive, broccoli, rosemary, basil, mint, parsley, or cilantro.
Your bunny will enjoy them and they're easy to grow.
Absolutely! My dwarf rabbit is now 11 years old and has eaten fruits and vegetables for years. We buy her the gourmet bunny food, it has dried fruits and veggies in it as well. But she'll eat carrots, lettuce (in small amounts) and especially apples! She loves alfalfa, and yogourt drops too. My rabbit would prefer to eat apples and yogourt drops anyday over regular rabbit pelets. They are included in the gourmet bunny food, but she picks though them, and doesn't want to eat those pieces, so we have extra vitamins that we put in her water.
Yeah that is perfectly normal.
yes that is mostly what rabbits eat. unless you go to a pet store and buy them rabbit food but i think that also has veggies in it
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