Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What does the saying ';Ain't no Fun When the Rabbit's Got the Gun'; mean?

I heard this saying in a song and I'm not sure I get the meaning.What does the saying ';Ain't no Fun When the Rabbit's Got the Gun'; mean?
It's like another way of saying ';the shoe's on the other foot now!'; - the situation is reversed and the one who was in a position of power is now in..not a good position.What does the saying ';Ain't no Fun When the Rabbit's Got the Gun'; mean?
I've actually never heard that saying.

But if a rabbits gets a gun and starts shooting at a hunter, the hunter's gonna be like WTF and think, well, maybe this hunting business isn't that amazing after all.

So, for instance, if you're bullying someone and they bully you, you're gonna be like O_O that doesn't feel too great.

... Or something.
I'd have to hear it in context to know for sure, but it sounds like it's referring to hunting.

My guess about the general idea of the quote is that it stinks to have the normal circumstances reversed.
Rabbits are usually the hunted. As in, a hunter with a gun is chasing a rabbit, but the rabbit turns around and pulls a gun. Then you get shot by a rabbit. That just ain't no fun.

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