Friday, January 22, 2010

Can I cook a domestic rabbit?

I found the kid next doors rabbit eating my winter cabbages, and shot it wit a xbow.- it seems a waste to chuck it back over the fence-can I eat it?Can I cook a domestic rabbit?
I think you are a very sick individual to do what you have done to that poor little rabbit. It would have been kinder for you to knock next door and explain what the rabbit was doing to your precious cabbages!!! You are obviously not an animal lover or feel not remorse for what you have done. SICKO.Can I cook a domestic rabbit?
That's mean!!!!!

Why in the world would you even consider eating it??

That's terrible!!!

I would suggest burrying it or throwing it away. Don't eat it. It might have a disease and there's hardly any meat on them. See Lord of the Rings two for more details.
Wow there are a lot of crazy people on here yelling at you for killing an do you think meat hits the table? The cow dies peacefully in it's sleep and then magically turns to a hamburger? I am all for humane treatment of animals....but I am a hunter as well and just try to kill the quickest way possible.

Probably should not have shot the neighbors rabbit, but since that is beyond the point, they taste fine. It is less gamey than a wild rabbit, but cook it up in some stew or sautee the meat- it will be fine.
Domesticated rabbits are included under animal cruelty laws. Why didn't you go to your neighbors and ask them to keep their rabbit in it's cage and explain to them it's eating your veggies. Maybe the rabbit was hungry and the neighbors weren't taking care of it properly themselves. Will you be able to live with the guilt of killing their rabbit when they come asking you if you have seen their rabbit? I hope they press charges on you fot killing their pet. Don't think they won't find out one day. You're very sick for wanting to eat their pet.
Any rabbit can be cooked. Enjoy!
Yes, you can.... Google (search) Domestic Rabbit Recipes... but first you need to know how to dress it properly, so ';Google'; that...

I don't think you should have shot the neighbors kids rabbit however. Havaheart has live traps and there is such thing as going to the neighbor and asking him to keep his rabbit out of your garden.
OMG! i can't believe u did that! how cruel!
Even though it was cruel to kill someone's pet, the answer to your question is...Can you cook a domestic rabbit?

When I was young, I lived with my grandparents for over 6 years...My grandfather raised rabbits for food...Now his belief...was that if if make a pet out of the rabbit then when you kill the rabbit for food the meat isn't as good.

Rabbit is my favorite meat...He cooked our rabbit to taste real delicious....
no!! leave the poor bunny alone!!!!! u evil person!!!
1. that's animal cruelty to shoot someone's pet

2. that's sick that you would think about eating it

3. i hope you go to jail
thats kinda extream. anyway you can but i would not suggest it they could have poisons like pesticides on the inside, and the meat would be very lean( because of all the exercise they get),, so it would not taste good.
oh that poor kid he will be scared for life because you shoot his poor little bunny i hope your joking thats just wrong
Yes they are edible but you shouldn't shoot someone's pet without giving them the opportunity to make the damage it did right by you
That was mean and cruel to kill that tame rabbit that didn't belong to you. It was only doing what its nature was. You could have chased it away or carried it back to the neighbors. I hope it gives you a very bad case of indigestion if you eat it.
sure can and it will get rid of the evidents
I can understand why you were pissed, your neighbours were not keeping proper care of their pet BUT what you did by shooting it was wrong. You should have at least given your neighbours the opportunity to pay you back the damages which you incurred and then warned them that if you saw the rabbit again that you would then shoot it. Very extreme to just shoot it and not even care that you might have devastated a young child. Please look at yourself and wonder whether you have done the right thing in hindsight.

Whether you should eat it or not is a moral question. You might have killed the rabbit but it is not your property. The rabbit's body is theirs. Consider that they might want to bury it and have a bit of consideration for their feelings.
I wouldn't eat it.
might as well. the cruelty would be to chuck it back over where the kid would find it. if it was eating your cabbages you had every right. might as well enjoy it. hope you do

sorry to say rskpetz but if someones pet is on your property and does damage or ruins crops you do have the right to shoot it. he even did it without firing a firearm which would be against the law.
Yep, you sure can. Best if bbq'd. My grandmother used to raise domestic rabbits for just that, eating!

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