Monday, January 18, 2010

Why does my rabbit jump around and kick the floor when hes in his cage?

He will be in his cage and start to scratch at the bottom of the cage and then he'll run around for a little while, jump, and kick!?Why does my rabbit jump around and kick the floor when hes in his cage?
the stomping is because he is scared. if someone new walks into my rabbitry, all of the rabbits stomp and run in circles. it looks as if their eyes will pop right out of they're heads!! the digging and kicking is because it is hyper, and needs time to run! give him a safe and secure place to go insane! such as the bathroom! keep EVERYTHING he could chew on way up high! especially cords! also lay out a blanket if you have linoleum floors, it's not good for him to slip and slide. if he jumps and kicks all at once it usually means he's excited or happy! a lot of breeders call it a Binky. some of my bucks will even roll on their backs after a good run! good luck with you bunny! keep him calm and talk quietly to him when he's scared! ps, rabbits don't DIE if they are confined, they just don't enjoy the quality of life, and they don't last as long!! so letting him out will help a lot!Why does my rabbit jump around and kick the floor when hes in his cage?
either scared, or needs more exercise room. do you let him out. being in a cage all day takes it toll, even on rabbits. if you notice that he is thumping the floor, then he is really upset or scared. that is a sign of aggravation.
Seems your rabbit is looking for exercise that he can't get in a small confined area. Try setting up a fenced area in your yard and put him out there (supervised at all times!) for some running and jumping. I put my two rabbits outside for no less than an hour a day and sometimes up to three hours a day (depending on how much time I spend outside doing gardening nearby). They love it. I purchased an inexpensive fence designed to keep rabbits out of gardens, about 25 feet long and created a circle. Now if a rabbit stands still and stomps his back leg, that is a sign of ';danger nearby'; or ';beware';.
he is mad that he is a confined area let him out for awile and he will stop
That is his defense system to scare off predators and also like she said he may not like his small cage. No it is just defense system
let him out and obviously hes wantin more room to run aroung let him run out of his cage for awhile!!! a rabit can die if its cage is to small i read!
They feel unsecure and scare

i have rabbit too and they will have this symptom when i play gitar or when some cat infront of their cage it do this to give warning.since it in the cage so no sound will come out if u let it free like my rabbit it will sound ';pop';
Rabbits will kick and struggle if they are not held securely. They also tend to kick more when they are nearing the ground or about to be put into their cage. If you start to lose your hold on the rabbit, drop as close to the ground as possible, so the rabbit does not fall far. To help calm a struggling rabbit, cover his eyes.

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