Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is a good rabbit cage that is enormous, inside, has easy access to in and out...?

food trays, water bottle,

want the best for my bunny (future)

Sorry about the details I ran out of room in the questionWhat is a good rabbit cage that is enormous, inside, has easy access to in and out...?
Thirding building your own, it will be rewarding to both you and the bunny.What is a good rabbit cage that is enormous, inside, has easy access to in and out...?

these will work for rabbits if u make it 2 cubes high
my dad built me a guinea pig cage, it is the best way to get what you want out of a cage, and they are fun to build. So if you are good with your hands, (or not, I'm rather clumsy.) it's great to build a specialized cage for your pet.

side note: most cages in pet stores are much too small.

I hope I have helped, have fun :)
i highly recommend getting a cage with a deep plastic bottom - it minimizes the mess and at the same time lets your bunny hide a little if he's nervous. they're relatively common so you can find good deals - and they come very large - up to 4' long. also, make sure you don't get one where the rabbit has to stand on wire, its bad for their feet. these cages easily accommodate a good sized litter box. (i highly recommend you litter train your bunny - then he/she can spend as much time out of the cage as possible - and that is the key ingredient to a happy bunny!)

home made cage

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