Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How old can a rabbit be to get pregnant?

we just got a new rabbit who is about 6 weeks and we have a rabbit already who is about 2 months or so. we just found out the sex of the rabbit we already have who we thought was a girl, but is a now we have a male and a female rabbit....we dont want babies. and want to get them fixed asap, but until then....the female rabbit has to be how old to get pregnant? i already looked on the house rabbit societys' page and i couldnt find anything.How old can a rabbit be to get pregnant?
animal expert is correct. rabbits are biologically able to breed at any point around 6 weeks of age. please spay and neuter your bunnies!How old can a rabbit be to get pregnant?
its 6 months before a rabbit can be bred from
sorry ice queen-my rabbit might be pregnant so i asked some experts and my rabbits and the experts said 6 weeks and up words
Most breeds of rabbits can not conceive until they are 4-6 months. If these 2 rabbits have not been together DO NOT put them together.

They can end up not only breeding but fighting as well. One or both can end up hurt or worse dead!

If you got a 6 week old rabbit someone sold you a rabbit too young to be away from it's mother. Be careful as it could get sick from being too young to be seperated from it's mother.

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